Back in January I announced my goal of doubling my sales from last year, which means selling an average of four items a week to reach 205 sales by the end of the year. I stopped giving weekly updates, but I thought I'd check in now at the half-year point (almost) to let you know how I'm doing.
I'm proud to report that I am on track to reach my goal! So far I have made 77 sales, which comes to an average of 2.96 sales a week. Why am I saying that I'm on track even though I'm down about 25 sales? Because I would estimate at least a third of my sales for the year all happen in November and December. I think the fact that I am already at almost 40% of my goal by the end of June is amazing! I have no doubt that I will reach 205 sales at this point. (Looks like I'm going to have to buy more envelopes!)
Also, in case you are interested, I'm getting an average of 144 views and 11 hearts per week. (That doesn't include views or hearts brought in my my etsy search ads... for some reason etsy tracks those separately and I just ignore them because I don't want to do the math).
So far, my most popular selling items are still both sets of my knitting buttons, making up 78% of my sales (represented by the blue and mint green portions of the pie chart below):
And because I love graphs, here is a bar graph of how many units I have sold:
That is 30 sets of knitting buttons, 28 sets of more knitting buttons, 6 sets of crochet buttons, 4 sets of knitting magnets, 3 sets of quilting buttons, 2 sets of more knitting magnets, and 5 sets of various wine charms.
What does this analysis tell me? Well, whatever I'm doing with the knitting buttons, I'm doing it right. So, now I need to focus on moving my other products. I'm especially disappointed that I haven't sold a single set of my crafty buttons. I think they are so freakin' cute! Time to brainstorm ideas for how to boost sales of the rest of my products. I'd love to see an explosion of sales for all the products this holiday season! Wouldn't that be wonderful?
p.s. the charts are brought to you courtesy of Stitch Labs, which is an awesome way to track your orders, inventory, customers, profits, expenses, you name it! They used to offer both free and premium accounts, but now they only offer premium accounts. However, I was grandfathered in with my free account. I think the paid accounts are a bit cost-prohibitive for a small etsy shop, but if you are a big etsy shop, I highly recommend it!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
"Frequently Bought Together" Items on Your Etsy Listings

I can't find a lot of information on it, but here is how I think it works. If you have sold the item in the listing with another item in your shop, they will show up as "frequently bought together" (even if it's only happened once, I imagine).
I really like this idea and I hope it will lead to greater sales. A lot of the items in my shop complement each other and this is a great way to get customers to drop them both in their carts with one click.
Here is a close-up.....
On the other hand, I have a listing in my shop that I have never sold before and the FBT prompt does not show up at the bottom of the screen, because it has never been bought together with any item. Instead, the old "related items in this shop" picture is there:
Thursday, May 23, 2013
How to Save Big Money Using Etsy Shipping Labels

Friday, May 17, 2013
What is a picture worth?
A picture is worth a thousand words, the old adage goes. Etsy sellers would heartily agree that not only is a picture worth a thousand words, but a great product picture can be worth a thousand dollars too! (Or, don't we wish....) So, this brings me to my question: how much would you be willing to pay to have great photography in your etsy shop? Are you willing to invest in all the photography equipment you need to get a great shot? Or, here is something you might not have considered: Are you willing to pay a professional to take the pictures for you??
A quick etsy search for "product photography" will reveal a whole host of options for you, ranging from this listing for 10 pics for $15 to this listing for 10 pics for $115. There are even super specialized photographers out there: this seller will take a picture of your products modeled by dogs, and this one specializes in taking pictures of products on American Girl Dolls.
I accidentally came across this genre of etsy sellers when I was shopping for photography equipment on etsy. I was looking for a light box and I stumbled upon a whole list of professional (or semi-professional) photographers with lightboxes willing to take the pics for you. I ended up buying the light box instead of hiring any of these people, but let me tell you: I kind of regret that. The truth is, I don't have a very nice camera and I don't really know what I'm doing in terms of "stylizing" my items. This is one of those situations where I should just get professional help.
My shop would actually be a perfect candidate for this kind of service because I sell multiples of the same product. That means I can spread out the cost of a single photo against the profits from several sales. If you sell one-of-a-kind jewelry or something like that, it could be prohibitively expensive to pay a professional photographer to photograph each item when you will never be able to use the photo again after you sell the item.
A few things to keep in mind before you buy into these services:
1. You Get What You Pay For (Sometimes). One of the primarily truths I have learned in my life as a consumer is that most of the time, you are gonna get what you pay for. That's not to say that there aren't great bargains out there, but, more often than not, the best rule of thumb is to spend the most money you can afford rather than try to get an inferior product on the cheap. Just look before you leap, is all I'm saying.
2. Apples for Apples. Make sure the photographer you are hiring has experience photographing the type of product you sell. For example, I sell buttons which are a pain in the behind to photograph because they are shiny and reflect light all over the place. The photographer I pick may have a wonderful portfolio of beautifully photographed hand-knits, but, before I sign on with them, I'm going to want assurances that they have photographed shiny stuff before.
3. Communicate . . . and Be Specific. Give the photographer the most specific instructions you can in terms of how you want your products to be staged. You are both going to be a lot happier if you are on the same page from the beginning.
That's just a few things I'm going to consider before I try out this service. What other advice do you have to offer?

I accidentally came across this genre of etsy sellers when I was shopping for photography equipment on etsy. I was looking for a light box and I stumbled upon a whole list of professional (or semi-professional) photographers with lightboxes willing to take the pics for you. I ended up buying the light box instead of hiring any of these people, but let me tell you: I kind of regret that. The truth is, I don't have a very nice camera and I don't really know what I'm doing in terms of "stylizing" my items. This is one of those situations where I should just get professional help.
My shop would actually be a perfect candidate for this kind of service because I sell multiples of the same product. That means I can spread out the cost of a single photo against the profits from several sales. If you sell one-of-a-kind jewelry or something like that, it could be prohibitively expensive to pay a professional photographer to photograph each item when you will never be able to use the photo again after you sell the item.
A few things to keep in mind before you buy into these services:
1. You Get What You Pay For (Sometimes). One of the primarily truths I have learned in my life as a consumer is that most of the time, you are gonna get what you pay for. That's not to say that there aren't great bargains out there, but, more often than not, the best rule of thumb is to spend the most money you can afford rather than try to get an inferior product on the cheap. Just look before you leap, is all I'm saying.
2. Apples for Apples. Make sure the photographer you are hiring has experience photographing the type of product you sell. For example, I sell buttons which are a pain in the behind to photograph because they are shiny and reflect light all over the place. The photographer I pick may have a wonderful portfolio of beautifully photographed hand-knits, but, before I sign on with them, I'm going to want assurances that they have photographed shiny stuff before.
3. Communicate . . . and Be Specific. Give the photographer the most specific instructions you can in terms of how you want your products to be staged. You are both going to be a lot happier if you are on the same page from the beginning.
That's just a few things I'm going to consider before I try out this service. What other advice do you have to offer?
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Brighten Your Whites With FotoFuze!
Remember when I showed you a neat trick using photoshop where you could take a photo with a dull white background and make it even whiter using the levels feature on photoshop?
Well, what if I told you that you could go even WHITER?? And you don't even need photoshop to make your background look like this:
Well, what if I told you that you could go even WHITER?? And you don't even need photoshop to make your background look like this:
Pretty neat, huh? Let me tell you about a great web application called FotoFuze. It is super easy to use, and it's semi-free. Here is how it works: you start with a photo that has either a black or a white solid background, then you use a little brush to color in the subject of your photo, then presto-chango, the program makes your background super white... just like the pics on the front page of etsy. Try it! You'll love it!
So, here's where the semi-free part comes in. It's free to use and you can download a low-quality version of your changed photo, which might be totally fine for you. I wanted the higher quality images, so I signed up for a premium account. How much does it cost, you ask? You decide! They trust you to enter a monthly figure that you think reflects what the program is worth to you. Cool business model. I entered a relatively low amount because I don't anticipate using it a lot.
Do you use FotoFuze for your photo editing or do you use another program? I'm interested to hear what you think about the best way to edit your photo!
Friday, April 26, 2013
What Would I Do With $20K?
I recently read a great article by Lisa Jacobs which asked the question, "What would you do if you had $20,000 to invest in your business?" This little prompt is supposed to help you think about expanding your business and making some long-term goals, so I'm going to go ahead and make my own list:
What would I do if I had $20,000 to invest in Buttons and Things?
1. NEW EQUIPMENT: The button press that I own is not the fanciest, but it is perfectly fine for the sales volume I have right now. However, one updated piece of equipment that I could use right now is an automatic circle cutter, which would speed up button production immensely.
2. MY OWN WEBSITE: I already have a website set up for my shop that points users to etsy. What I'm talking about here is a full-on e-commerce website where I can cut out the middle-man. That would be cool.
3. ADS EVERYWHERE: The only place I advertise right now is through etsy's search ads. I have dabbled with placing ads on facebook and on ravelry, but never stuck with it because I was getting a pretty low ROI.... but wouldn't it be cool if ROI wasn't a factor (initially) and I had an unlimited advertising budget so I could try out lots of places to reach knitters and other creative people?
4. HIRE A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT: Sometimes I get really into my social media efforts, and other times I just let all my networks languish. Wouldn't it be great to have a virtual assistant on call who could monitor your social media marketing whenever you just aren't feeling it?
5. CUT MY HOURS BACK AT MY DAY JOB: Right now I would classify my etsy shop as more of a hobby than an actual business. What's the difference? A hobby is something you do when you (1) feel like it and (2) have spare time. On the other hand, a business is something that you need to tend to even if you are busy and even if you're really not feeling it today. It's hard to treat my shop as anything other than a hobby when I'm already working a full time job, so, if I really had $20K to spend, I'd invest a good portion of it on subsidizing my income so I could devote a few "business hours" each day to the shop and not try to cram everything in during my "free time."
Where does this leave me?
Honestly, I'm a little lost on how I can take this list and turn it into actionable goals. I guess I would have to say that, of the five things listed, number five is probably my biggest priority. I think that having more quality time to devote to my business is going to be the most important thing to it's growth. I don't really need the fancy equipment or hired help as much as I need to put my full effort into the shop. Since I don't have $20K (yet!) I can't afford to devote several hours a week to this, but maybe I could convince myself to just find as little as 15 minutes a day, every day, to devote to my biz. This is such a small amount of time that it won't require me to cut back my hours at my day job, but it won't (inordinately) cut into my free time either. OK! It's a plan!
What do you think? What would you do if you had $20K?
What would I do if I had $20,000 to invest in Buttons and Things?
1. NEW EQUIPMENT: The button press that I own is not the fanciest, but it is perfectly fine for the sales volume I have right now. However, one updated piece of equipment that I could use right now is an automatic circle cutter, which would speed up button production immensely.
2. MY OWN WEBSITE: I already have a website set up for my shop that points users to etsy. What I'm talking about here is a full-on e-commerce website where I can cut out the middle-man. That would be cool.
3. ADS EVERYWHERE: The only place I advertise right now is through etsy's search ads. I have dabbled with placing ads on facebook and on ravelry, but never stuck with it because I was getting a pretty low ROI.... but wouldn't it be cool if ROI wasn't a factor (initially) and I had an unlimited advertising budget so I could try out lots of places to reach knitters and other creative people?
4. HIRE A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT: Sometimes I get really into my social media efforts, and other times I just let all my networks languish. Wouldn't it be great to have a virtual assistant on call who could monitor your social media marketing whenever you just aren't feeling it?
5. CUT MY HOURS BACK AT MY DAY JOB: Right now I would classify my etsy shop as more of a hobby than an actual business. What's the difference? A hobby is something you do when you (1) feel like it and (2) have spare time. On the other hand, a business is something that you need to tend to even if you are busy and even if you're really not feeling it today. It's hard to treat my shop as anything other than a hobby when I'm already working a full time job, so, if I really had $20K to spend, I'd invest a good portion of it on subsidizing my income so I could devote a few "business hours" each day to the shop and not try to cram everything in during my "free time."
Where does this leave me?
Honestly, I'm a little lost on how I can take this list and turn it into actionable goals. I guess I would have to say that, of the five things listed, number five is probably my biggest priority. I think that having more quality time to devote to my business is going to be the most important thing to it's growth. I don't really need the fancy equipment or hired help as much as I need to put my full effort into the shop. Since I don't have $20K (yet!) I can't afford to devote several hours a week to this, but maybe I could convince myself to just find as little as 15 minutes a day, every day, to devote to my biz. This is such a small amount of time that it won't require me to cut back my hours at my day job, but it won't (inordinately) cut into my free time either. OK! It's a plan!
What do you think? What would you do if you had $20K?
Monday, April 8, 2013
Another little etsy shop!
I'm happy to announce that I am opening another little etsy shop! It's my own blog design business, Creative Counsel Blog Design! Yay! In this blog, I'm still just going to be focusing on the growth of my main etsy shop, Buttons and Things, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm running another shop which I may refer to from time to time.
The challenge with this new shop is that blog design is an extremely saturated market on etsy, so I think it's going to be tough standing out from the crowd. Luckily, this is just something I want to do on a very part-time basis, so I will be fine with a low sales volume.
The challenge with this new shop is that blog design is an extremely saturated market on etsy, so I think it's going to be tough standing out from the crowd. Luckily, this is just something I want to do on a very part-time basis, so I will be fine with a low sales volume.
Friday, April 5, 2013
When It's Time to Seek Professional Help
I like to think of myself as a jack-of-all trades, and I think a lot of etsy sellers feel the same - we are all crafty, entrepreneurial spirits, unafraid to take on new challenges. Sometimes it's hard for us to admit that there are things we just can't do on our own and admit it's time to seek professional help. For me, it was designing a new logo. I like to think that I have some pretty mad graphic design skills, and I'm sure that if I really applied myself I could have designed a great new logo myself, but, for the reasons I outlined below, I decided to punt the project to a professional. And I'm so glad I did!
It's time to seek professional help when you could do it yourself, BUT....
1. You have more money than time. Sometimes it's just a matter of dollars and cents. Your time is valuable, and you need to prioritize how you spend it. For me, I have a day job that pays by the hour. I estimated that it would take me X number of hours to design my own logo vs. Y dollars to pay someone to do it for me. It turns out that it was cheaper to just pick up a few extra hours at work and hire a professional to do the project, rather than doing it myself.
2. You just aren't that excited about the project. Sometimes it's not just a matter of dollars and cents. If something sounds fun, then who cares if it is more economical to pay someone else to do it? But if the project doesn't sound fun... then it's time to ask yourself if it would be worth it to just delegate. In my situation, I tried to sit down and design a new logo several times, but I just couldn't get into it. It felt more like a chore than a creative opportunity. Even thought I could do it, I didn't want to.
3. You need a professional eye. As much as us creative-types like to think we are good at everything, the truth is that sometimes a professional is simply going to do a better job. I designed my first logo and I never really cared for it, and I wanted my new logo to be something I would love, so I decided it would be worth it to pay someone to make me a high quality logo that I can be proud of.
4. You want to support another entrepreneur. Do you like someone else's work? Then why not give them some business? There's absolutely nothing wrong with with being a consumer as well as a producer. It's how the economy works. Embrace it.
It's time to seek professional help when you could do it yourself, BUT....
1. You have more money than time. Sometimes it's just a matter of dollars and cents. Your time is valuable, and you need to prioritize how you spend it. For me, I have a day job that pays by the hour. I estimated that it would take me X number of hours to design my own logo vs. Y dollars to pay someone to do it for me. It turns out that it was cheaper to just pick up a few extra hours at work and hire a professional to do the project, rather than doing it myself.
2. You just aren't that excited about the project. Sometimes it's not just a matter of dollars and cents. If something sounds fun, then who cares if it is more economical to pay someone else to do it? But if the project doesn't sound fun... then it's time to ask yourself if it would be worth it to just delegate. In my situation, I tried to sit down and design a new logo several times, but I just couldn't get into it. It felt more like a chore than a creative opportunity. Even thought I could do it, I didn't want to.
3. You need a professional eye. As much as us creative-types like to think we are good at everything, the truth is that sometimes a professional is simply going to do a better job. I designed my first logo and I never really cared for it, and I wanted my new logo to be something I would love, so I decided it would be worth it to pay someone to make me a high quality logo that I can be proud of.
4. You want to support another entrepreneur. Do you like someone else's work? Then why not give them some business? There's absolutely nothing wrong with with being a consumer as well as a producer. It's how the economy works. Embrace it.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Your Little Business Plan
The first topic I'd like to tackle in my Etsy 101 series is the benefit of having a business plan. Let me preface this discussion by saying that I did not have a business plan when I started my shop... and it showed. I ran my business with an if-it-feels-good-do-it mentality. What can I say? I was a liberal arts major in college and I never took a business class. My plan for my etsy shop looked something like this:
1. Make buttons
2. ???
3. Profit
See that step number two, with all the question marks? That is the spot where your business plan goes.
If you run the words "business plan" through google, you are going to get a lot of information on how to write a formal business plan. And if that's what you want to do, go for it! It certainly wouldn't be a waste of time. But, personally, I think a 10-page, 16-part business plan is overkill for a little etsy shop. So, I'm going to tell you how to write a little business plan.
There are three major components to your little business plan.
The first, and most important, component is your Mission Statement. To write your mission statement, just ask yourself the question: "why am I doing this?" Is your primary motivation just that you like making stuff and you need a way to unload everything you create? Or are you in it for profit? If so, how much profit? For many etsy sellers, the goal is just to create a self-sustaining hobby. For others, the goal is to be a professional artist and to make a living by selling your wares. For most, it is probably somewhere in between.
The next part of your business plan is pretty easy. What are you selling? That's your Product. Consider what you are selling both literally (hand-knit cashmere scarves) and figuratively (warmth, luxury, beauty, etc.)
Finally, you need to figure out where is your Market. Who is going to buy your stuff? If you sell baby clothes, your market is probably going to be new mothers. Try to get as specific as you can when you are defining your market.
And that's it. That's really all you need for your little business plan. Just consult these three components whenever you have to make a business decision and you'll be on the right path.
1. Make buttons
2. ???
3. Profit
See that step number two, with all the question marks? That is the spot where your business plan goes.
If you run the words "business plan" through google, you are going to get a lot of information on how to write a formal business plan. And if that's what you want to do, go for it! It certainly wouldn't be a waste of time. But, personally, I think a 10-page, 16-part business plan is overkill for a little etsy shop. So, I'm going to tell you how to write a little business plan.
There are three major components to your little business plan.
The first, and most important, component is your Mission Statement. To write your mission statement, just ask yourself the question: "why am I doing this?" Is your primary motivation just that you like making stuff and you need a way to unload everything you create? Or are you in it for profit? If so, how much profit? For many etsy sellers, the goal is just to create a self-sustaining hobby. For others, the goal is to be a professional artist and to make a living by selling your wares. For most, it is probably somewhere in between.
The next part of your business plan is pretty easy. What are you selling? That's your Product. Consider what you are selling both literally (hand-knit cashmere scarves) and figuratively (warmth, luxury, beauty, etc.)
Finally, you need to figure out where is your Market. Who is going to buy your stuff? If you sell baby clothes, your market is probably going to be new mothers. Try to get as specific as you can when you are defining your market.
And that's it. That's really all you need for your little business plan. Just consult these three components whenever you have to make a business decision and you'll be on the right path.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Etsy 101
I'm going to share one of my etsy-related goals with you. It's kind of a strange one... are you ready? The thing is, I do a lot of research on etsy business development because I want to boost my own sales, and also just because I find the subject interesting, so, my goal is to eventually teach an adult community ed class on how to sell your stuff on etsy. Doesn't that sound fun? (You don't get paid to teach the class... so it would just purely be for nerdy fun).
As I sit here making up a lesson plan for my imaginary class, it occurs to me that I should be using this blog in a more organized way. So, what I'm going to try out from now on is to pick a topic that I might discuss in my class, and then present the information here. I'll also try to point out some good resources and articles that I discover along the way.
Here are a few of the major topics that I think I should cover:
1. Business Planning
2. Branding
3. Pricing Your Work
4. Product Photography
5. Writing Product Descriptions
6. How to Use Etsy/Paypal/Etc.
7. SEO & Advertising
8. Shop Promotion/Social Networking
Sound like a plan? Ready, set, go!
As I sit here making up a lesson plan for my imaginary class, it occurs to me that I should be using this blog in a more organized way. So, what I'm going to try out from now on is to pick a topic that I might discuss in my class, and then present the information here. I'll also try to point out some good resources and articles that I discover along the way.
Here are a few of the major topics that I think I should cover:
1. Business Planning
2. Branding
3. Pricing Your Work
4. Product Photography
5. Writing Product Descriptions
6. How to Use Etsy/Paypal/Etc.
7. SEO & Advertising
8. Shop Promotion/Social Networking
Sound like a plan? Ready, set, go!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
A Social Media Checklist
I just happened upon this awesome checklist for your social media marketing strategy. I try to do something on each channel every day, but it never occurred to me to make up a checklist like this. Very helpful!
Courtesy of: The Whole Brain Group
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Week 3: Seven Sales (woot! woot!)
I'm overjoyed to report that I had seven sales last week! That's almost double my goal! For a little etsy shop like mine, seven sales in one week is definitely cause to celebrate!
When I see a rise in sales like this, I always wonder, what caused it? Is it just luck or did I do something differently? This is an extremely difficult question to answer, but one thing I do to try to figure it out is to keep a marketing journal. Every day I write down anything I did to market my business, for example "tweeted pic of crochet buttons," or "mentioned my shop on my knitting blog." Then the following day, I check my etsy stats and record my views, hearts, and sales right next to that date. (I used to do this on a weekly basis, but this year I started doing it daily and I think it is more effective). I keep track of all this information in a spreadsheet so I will eventually be able to analyze the data with formulas and charts and stuff. As a bonus, keeping this log is a nice reminder that I should be doing at least one thing every day to market my shop.
How do you try to make sense of what is impacting your sales? Do you keep a journal too, or have you figured out some other great method? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!
When I see a rise in sales like this, I always wonder, what caused it? Is it just luck or did I do something differently? This is an extremely difficult question to answer, but one thing I do to try to figure it out is to keep a marketing journal. Every day I write down anything I did to market my business, for example "tweeted pic of crochet buttons," or "mentioned my shop on my knitting blog." Then the following day, I check my etsy stats and record my views, hearts, and sales right next to that date. (I used to do this on a weekly basis, but this year I started doing it daily and I think it is more effective). I keep track of all this information in a spreadsheet so I will eventually be able to analyze the data with formulas and charts and stuff. As a bonus, keeping this log is a nice reminder that I should be doing at least one thing every day to market my shop.
How do you try to make sense of what is impacting your sales? Do you keep a journal too, or have you figured out some other great method? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Product Photography Tip: Using Levels in Photoshop
I know that one of the key things I need to do to increase my sales is improve my product photography. I am not a skilled photographer and I also have kind of a crappy camera, but luckily I have photoshop, which helps immensely... when I take the time to learn how to use it! I found a neat tip the other day about how to use the levels adjustment in photoshop when you are photographing against a white background. I tried it out this week and I'm really happy with the results!
Here is an example of my knitting wine charms in what I thought was a perfectly nice photo:
And here is the same photo with the levels adjusted:
Can you believe the difference?? I was blown away! Read the article. It tells you how you can play with the levels in your picture even if you don't have photoshop.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
That's a lot of envelopes!
I am committed to making 205 sales this year. I believe that once you set a goal like that for yourself, the best thing to do is to find a way to make yourself accountable for it. One way I am making myself accountable is by starting this blog, but I wanted to do something more concrete. I wanted to find a way to put my money where my mouth is. And then it hit me....
I am going to buy 205 envelopes.
Once I have 205 envelopes sitting in my office, it is no longer going to be a lofty goal that I am going to make 205 sales, it is going to be a reality - something that I planned and am prepared for. The envelopes are there to serve as a tangible reminder of the commitment I have made to myself. (Not to mention, it will be fun to watch the pile shrink as the year goes on!)
What about you? How do you hold yourself accountable for your sales goals?
p.s. I did a lot of research on the best prices for a quantity of 200 envelopes and it looks like the best deal is right there on etsy itself, through the Shipping Guru.
I am going to buy 205 envelopes.
Once I have 205 envelopes sitting in my office, it is no longer going to be a lofty goal that I am going to make 205 sales, it is going to be a reality - something that I planned and am prepared for. The envelopes are there to serve as a tangible reminder of the commitment I have made to myself. (Not to mention, it will be fun to watch the pile shrink as the year goes on!)
What about you? How do you hold yourself accountable for your sales goals?
p.s. I did a lot of research on the best prices for a quantity of 200 envelopes and it looks like the best deal is right there on etsy itself, through the Shipping Guru.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Week 2: Four Sales
I was in doubt last week that I would make my sales goal, but.... I did it! The numbers this week are looking pretty good. I got in four sales, which less than last week, but four sales a week is all I need to be on target for my yearly goal, so I can't complain. I also managed 419 views and 46 hearts, which I'm psyched about (especially for all those hearts!).
So, I guess the lesson learned here is: believe more, doubt less.
So, I guess the lesson learned here is: believe more, doubt less.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Fear of Rejection
I did it. For the first time, I asked my a customer to sign up for my mailing list. This is something I have avoided doing it because it's scary to try to build a mailing list. Why? Because you have to ask for people's permission to contact them... and they might say no.
So, I asked. And what happened? She didn't sign up. There you go: I got rejected. But, hey! The worst happened, and I survived. From now on I'm going to ask every new customer for permission to add them to my email list. Eventually one of them has to say yes, right?? Besides....
BTW, I'm using Mail Chimp to manage my direct email campaign. More on that later. But, in the meantime, go ahead and take a look at this beautiful newsletter I sent out to my mailing list... even though I'm currently the only one on it....
So, I asked. And what happened? She didn't sign up. There you go: I got rejected. But, hey! The worst happened, and I survived. From now on I'm going to ask every new customer for permission to add them to my email list. Eventually one of them has to say yes, right?? Besides....
BTW, I'm using Mail Chimp to manage my direct email campaign. More on that later. But, in the meantime, go ahead and take a look at this beautiful newsletter I sent out to my mailing list... even though I'm currently the only one on it....
Friday, January 11, 2013
International Shipping for your Etsy Shop
Ooh la la! I just got my first order from France! I just love getting international orders. Since I started the shop, I have shipped to 15 different countries. (Just for fun, I keep track of them all on a cool shipping map that I created using TravBuddy!) Last year 25% of my sales were international and so far this year, half my sales have been outside of the United States. If you're not shipping internationally, you really should consider doing it.
Here were my concerns when I started shipping internationally:
1. It will be super expensive to ship the packages.
This hasn't been true for me. My items are small so I am able to ship them first class international mail, which only costs about $2 more than it does to ship domestic (and less than that if it's only going to Canada). With etsy shipping options, you can charge different shipping rates to customers in different countries, so it is easy to just pass the extra shipping expense on to your international customers.
2. I have never shipped anything internationally and I don't know how to do it.
Sometimes international addresses look a little funky, but just copy it onto the package exactly as your customer entered in into etsy and you'll be okay. Then, all you have to do is fill out a customs form, which is super easy. You can find them at the post office with all the other forms for things like insurance and delivery notification, etc. It takes less than 2 minutes to fill out. OR, if you use etsy shipping labels (and you really should!) etsy fills out all the information for you! Easy-peasy!
3. I don't want to deal with all sorts of international customs fees and stuff like that.
You don't have to. From what I've been told by the folks at the post office, anything like that is actually your customer's responsibility, not yours. If there are any fees to be paid, the customer will get the bill from their own country when they accept delivery of the package. (And they said in most cases, there wouldn't be any fee unless you are shipping something that is very expensive, but it all varies on a country-by-country basis). Just to make things super clear, I include a statement in my shop policies that says this: "For international purchases: custom fees, duty fees or import fees and taxes are the responsibility of the buyer and not included in the shipping fees."
4. I don't know how to attract international customers.
Don't worry, as long as you have it entered into etsy that you ship internationally, they will find you through their country's etsy site. One thing to consider is that your product might be called something different in other countries, so you want to be sure you include different terminology in your listing keywords. For example, I sell pinback buttons, which are called "badges" in other English-speaking countries, so I need to be sure to include the word "badges" in my listings if I want to get those sales.
That's just a summary of what I have learned through my own experience shipping internationally. I think it's a great business strategy to get more customers and it's just really neat to know that people in other countries want your stuff! If you have any additional insights into this topic, please feel free to share in the comments!
Here were my concerns when I started shipping internationally:
1. It will be super expensive to ship the packages.
This hasn't been true for me. My items are small so I am able to ship them first class international mail, which only costs about $2 more than it does to ship domestic (and less than that if it's only going to Canada). With etsy shipping options, you can charge different shipping rates to customers in different countries, so it is easy to just pass the extra shipping expense on to your international customers.
2. I have never shipped anything internationally and I don't know how to do it.
Sometimes international addresses look a little funky, but just copy it onto the package exactly as your customer entered in into etsy and you'll be okay. Then, all you have to do is fill out a customs form, which is super easy. You can find them at the post office with all the other forms for things like insurance and delivery notification, etc. It takes less than 2 minutes to fill out. OR, if you use etsy shipping labels (and you really should!) etsy fills out all the information for you! Easy-peasy!
3. I don't want to deal with all sorts of international customs fees and stuff like that.
You don't have to. From what I've been told by the folks at the post office, anything like that is actually your customer's responsibility, not yours. If there are any fees to be paid, the customer will get the bill from their own country when they accept delivery of the package. (And they said in most cases, there wouldn't be any fee unless you are shipping something that is very expensive, but it all varies on a country-by-country basis). Just to make things super clear, I include a statement in my shop policies that says this: "For international purchases: custom fees, duty fees or import fees and taxes are the responsibility of the buyer and not included in the shipping fees."
4. I don't know how to attract international customers.
Don't worry, as long as you have it entered into etsy that you ship internationally, they will find you through their country's etsy site. One thing to consider is that your product might be called something different in other countries, so you want to be sure you include different terminology in your listing keywords. For example, I sell pinback buttons, which are called "badges" in other English-speaking countries, so I need to be sure to include the word "badges" in my listings if I want to get those sales.
That's just a summary of what I have learned through my own experience shipping internationally. I think it's a great business strategy to get more customers and it's just really neat to know that people in other countries want your stuff! If you have any additional insights into this topic, please feel free to share in the comments!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
The Build a Better Business Giveaway from Marketing Creativity
Have you checked out the blog Marketing Creativity by Lisa Jacobs? I love it! She is so inspirational and has great advice for etsy sellers. I bought her book, Shop Fundamentals, and I highly recommend it! I fully intend to blog more about this great resource in the future, but for now I'm just here to tell you that she is having an awesome giveaway!
My Shoptimizer Grades
I recently heard about a cool tool called the Etsy Shoptimizer where you can plug in the name of your etsy shop and have it "graded" based on the advice proffered in the Etsy Seller Handbook. The tool is free for a one-time grading and it costs $9 a month to upgrade to a pro version that will let you refresh your grades any time you want.
So, I ran my shop through the Shoptimizer and I'm pretty happy with my grades. Go ahead and take a peek:
I've really been focusing on improving my SEO, so I was psyched that I got (almost) straight-A's in that category.... but I was even more psyched to see the C grade that I got in that category because it never even occurred to me to optimize my shop announcement for SEO. So I fixed that oversight now.
The rest of my grades contained very few surprises. For example, I got an F in having multiple photos per listing, which I already knew is something I'm lacking and I intend to fix as soon as I get my new photography equipment. The Shoptimizer also doesn't like the way I have used the "attributes" and "materials used" sections, but I'm not too worried about that. I honestly don't think anyone is really interested in the materials I use and I don't really have any varying attributes to list.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with my grades and I found using the Shoptimizer to be a worthwhile experience. I really only gained one valuable insight from it, but that is enough for me.
Did you use Shoptimizer to grade your shop? Any surprises?
So, I ran my shop through the Shoptimizer and I'm pretty happy with my grades. Go ahead and take a peek:
I've really been focusing on improving my SEO, so I was psyched that I got (almost) straight-A's in that category.... but I was even more psyched to see the C grade that I got in that category because it never even occurred to me to optimize my shop announcement for SEO. So I fixed that oversight now.
The rest of my grades contained very few surprises. For example, I got an F in having multiple photos per listing, which I already knew is something I'm lacking and I intend to fix as soon as I get my new photography equipment. The Shoptimizer also doesn't like the way I have used the "attributes" and "materials used" sections, but I'm not too worried about that. I honestly don't think anyone is really interested in the materials I use and I don't really have any varying attributes to list.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with my grades and I found using the Shoptimizer to be a worthwhile experience. I really only gained one valuable insight from it, but that is enough for me.
Did you use Shoptimizer to grade your shop? Any surprises?
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Discouraging Thoughts.... Turned Upside Down!
It's been six days since I have made a sale and I'm starting to feel a little discouraged. I know I shouldn't feel discouraged, but it is hard not to be sometimes, isn't it? I've had dry spells before. Last year I went three months without making a sale, so I really shouldn't be fussing over six days. I think I've just spent so much time thinking about my shop this week that I've become a little hyper-aware of my stats. I just need to calm down and remember...
So let's take a deep breath and turn those discouraging thoughts upside down! The truth is, other than sales, my stats are actually looking pretty good. In the past six days I have had 353 views and 23 favorites! In the previous six days, although I had more sales, I only had 198 views and 15 favorites. So, at least MORE people are looking at my items. Now I just need to convert those views to sales! And the best part is, I have a plan to do just that! The immediate plan involves updating my listing photos and tweaking my item descriptions.... I also have an even better GRAND PLAN, but I'm not quite ready to put that into motion yet for various secret reasons that will soon be revealed. :)
Does focusing on your stats ever make you feel discouraged? Does it help to look at the stats from a different perspective, like I did here? I hope so!
So let's take a deep breath and turn those discouraging thoughts upside down! The truth is, other than sales, my stats are actually looking pretty good. In the past six days I have had 353 views and 23 favorites! In the previous six days, although I had more sales, I only had 198 views and 15 favorites. So, at least MORE people are looking at my items. Now I just need to convert those views to sales! And the best part is, I have a plan to do just that! The immediate plan involves updating my listing photos and tweaking my item descriptions.... I also have an even better GRAND PLAN, but I'm not quite ready to put that into motion yet for various secret reasons that will soon be revealed. :)
Does focusing on your stats ever make you feel discouraged? Does it help to look at the stats from a different perspective, like I did here? I hope so!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Week One: Six Sales
It's one week into the new beginning for my etsy shop and I have had four orders already, selling six sets of buttons. If I want to reach my goal of having 205 sales this year, I need to make roughly four sales a week, so I'm on track!
The "More Knitting Buttons" were my big seller this week. And the cherry on top is that I recognize one of the names as a repeat customer from December! My guess is that she bought the knitting buttons last month, loved them, and came back for "more." In the past I haven't really tracked return customers, but I'm going to start from now on. In fact, when I shipped out the orders this week, I included a little note in each package offering a 10% discount on their next purchase. I hope I see more familiar faces this year.
This week I ran search ads on etsy for both sets of knitting buttons, as usual. And according to etsy, this resulted in two of the orders. I am also running an ad on Ravelry and I have had 34 people click through from that ad, after about 9,300 impressions.
I also added two new products this week: I converted both sets of my knitting buttons into magnet sets (Knitting Magnets and More Knitting Magnets). No sales on these so far, but the first set of magnets were my most popularly viewed item this week with 70 views and 2 hearts.
The "More Knitting Buttons" were my big seller this week. And the cherry on top is that I recognize one of the names as a repeat customer from December! My guess is that she bought the knitting buttons last month, loved them, and came back for "more." In the past I haven't really tracked return customers, but I'm going to start from now on. In fact, when I shipped out the orders this week, I included a little note in each package offering a 10% discount on their next purchase. I hope I see more familiar faces this year.
This week I ran search ads on etsy for both sets of knitting buttons, as usual. And according to etsy, this resulted in two of the orders. I am also running an ad on Ravelry and I have had 34 people click through from that ad, after about 9,300 impressions.
I also added two new products this week: I converted both sets of my knitting buttons into magnet sets (Knitting Magnets and More Knitting Magnets). No sales on these so far, but the first set of magnets were my most popularly viewed item this week with 70 views and 2 hearts.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
A New Beginning for Buttons and Things
Hello and welcome to my blog! I have a really cool etsy shop called Buttons and Things where I sell pinback buttons and other little trinkets that are created just for the creative people out there: knitters, crafters, quilters, crocheters, and more. I've had my etsy shop since 2007 and I have made 205 sales.... I'm proud of that number because, honestly, I haven't put a lot of effort into the shop until just recently. But that's going to change. It is my goal for 2013 to double that number. Are you ready to join me in my journey?
I'm starting this blog to talk about etsy and to connect with other creative people. I'm doing a lot of research on business management and marketing. I'm trying a lot of stuff out and seeing what works. I'm hoping to share my insights with you and get some feedback from other etsy sellers about what works for them.
So, thanks for reading and I hope you'll come back soon!
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